From the start, I’ve been using an intuitive drawing method. I clear my mind and let my hand blindly choose colors. I let my hand move how it wants and watch as a drawing appears. Then I look at it and try to guess what it is and see what it has to teach me. Four years later, I still use the same approach. I find that it takes the pressure off of creating when I have no expectations around the outcome. It’s also a fun way to learn from my own subconscious. I’ll gradually add work here to show my artistic journey and when I catch up to the present, I’ll post new drawings too!

First Drawing (Aug 2021)

2nd Drawing "I wanna be where the people are" (Aug 2021)

Wounded Masculine: I command that you RESPECT ME!!! (Aug 2021)

Wounded Feminine: I will destroy you before you can destroy me. (Aug 2021)

Whatever this is... Harpy? (Aug 2021)

Bitterness (Aug 2021)

Imposing self-hatred as a form of control (Aug 2021)

Sadhguru Quote (Aug 2021)

Almost There! (Aug 2021)

Julian (Aug 2021)

I am Greg Tran (Aug 2021)

Larisa's Birthday Power (Aug 2021)

How you do anything is how you do everything (Aug 2021)

Fire (Sept 2021)

Earth (Sept 2021)

Water (Sept 2021)

War on Fertililty (Sept 2021)

Greed (Sept 2021)

Twins (Sept 2021)

Wounded Feminine (Sept 2021)

Lawful Evil (Sept 2021)

Armored Up (Sept 2021)

Beast 1 "I hate you...." (Sept 2021)

Beast 2 "This is how I see you" (Sept 2021)

Empress (Sept 2021)

Scarf Sculpture (Sept 2021)

Dragon Eye (Sept 2021)