These videos were not originally made to be public but we’ll share them here for background as I gain courage in front of a camera! New work coming soon…

It’s You I Like

(Julian Edition)

This was a gift that I made for one of my best friends who is also my fomer partner. (He used to be a Buddhist monk, hence the monsastic references.)

April 12, 2022

Hanging with Greg at our Parents’ House

Brother/Sister Conversation

May 13, 2022

Tarot for Healing

A video experiment.

July 18, 2023

Bedtime Reflection

A small reading before bed.

July 19, 2023

Kundalini Yoga Set

Currently the only yoga video I have is my practicum video that I made for my yoga teacher training. It’s a very useful set: Strengthening the Aura and Inner Conflict Resolver. In the Kundalini tradition the teacher explains but doesn’t do the exercises with the class. Note that “triangle pose” is the same as “downward facing dog”. Thanks to my mom for being my practice student when she came to visit me in India!